Category: Coaching

Character Counts

    What good is skill or talent without character to guide one along uncharted courses.

High Expections, Diminishing Returns.

Sometimes the guy that is supposed to be all that. Isn’t all that. Move on. Coaches too often invest valuable time on someones physical potential, while over looking their emotional potential. While someone with more metal toughness is willing and ready to give that stellar effort. Our lives serve as either a warning or an […]

Boys to Men because of Personal Responsibility

I am a proud coach as last night our boys became men, as they for the first time played an entire game. They fought until the game clock was at 00:00. It was the last regular season game, and if that is how it all ended, win, lose, or draw , I’m good with that. […]

How a Beautiful Girl Humbled Me Last Night

How a Beautiful Girl Humbled Me Last Night

The pursuit of mans desires are too often what cause wars and many a ruined life or at least an evening. It can build nations and ruins lives. And lately, I have begun to think the bible’s Eve of the Adam and Eve’s, has been treated unfairly. History blames Eve as man’s failure, the temptress.  […]