Author: timokeefe

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"How many plays in a football game? " sixty. "Whats the most important play?" This one.


Reznor of Nine inch Nails wrote it, Johnny Cash made it is own. I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that’s real The needle tears a hole The old familiar sting Try to kill it all away But I remember everything What have I […]

Boys to Men because of Personal Responsibility

I am a proud coach as last night our boys became men, as they for the first time played an entire game. They fought until the game clock was at 00:00. It was the last regular season game, and if that is how it all ended, win, lose, or draw , I’m good with that. […]

How a Beautiful Girl Humbled Me Last Night

How a Beautiful Girl Humbled Me Last Night

The pursuit of mans desires are too often what cause wars and many a ruined life or at least an evening. It can build nations and ruins lives. And lately, I have begun to think the bible’s Eve of the Adam and Eve’s, has been treated unfairly. History blames Eve as man’s failure, the temptress.  […]