Author: timokeefe

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Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch on Brick Walls

If you have not seen the Final Lecture then here it is for you: Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch (Oct. 23, 1960 – July 25, 2008) gave his last lecture at the university Sept. 18, 2007, before a packed McConomy Auditorium. In his moving presentation, “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams,” Pausch talked about his lessons […]

Running a Youth Football Program

So a Facebook friend asked for some advice and I gave him most likely more than he bargained for. Marc Theilerposted to?Tim O’Keefe Yesterday You coach youth football, right? Looks like I am going to be my little guy’s Pop Warner coach. Hell, I don’t even know the difference between the age groups – I […]

Building References to Build Better Men

Football Coaches can assist our boys in building their legs to their self belief (references) that assist in confirming their ability to achieve. Building Confidence to achieve on the field and generalizing those beliefs thru the rest of their growth into a responsible and self actualized man.

College World Series

Sunday Sermon: To Quit or Persevere

Grant Palmer was on his way to achieving all the awards a high school athlete can acquire.A million dollar smile and a good well liked kid. He would dominate the gridiron at El Segundo High School his senior year. He was having a senior year just as it would be scripted in a Hollywood movie. […]

The Sunday Sermon

This morning I think about all the people who have been my teammates. Those that I played with. The ones that coached me. Rich who when I was ready to walk away from my college scholarship, talked me into staying. The multitude of other mates. Joe who told me to lose weight or I would […]

Get Your Superman on!

Put Your Superman On

The kids would love the story of the battle of Mr Whiner and Superman.  Whiner sits on one shoulder and tells you why you do not need to effort or work. You are fine just at your current level of progress. Thus justifying the pain of running  wind sprints or stairs and ones choice to […]