Author: timokeefe

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Samsung 52 ” LCD HDTV big Seller this Year at Amazon

Well, it seems again that online will have beaten the offline retailers. While retail was/still is giving it away at drastic discounts. Online etailers like Amazon are getting high fives. Inc. said Friday that the 2008 holiday season was the online retailer’s “best ever,” with more than 6.3 million items ordered and 5.6 million […]

The 4 Hour Work Week Fact / Fiction?

Have you read the 4 hour work week?  Its one hell of a challenge and somewhat of an indictment on conventional thinking. It makes you ask “are you working to live or living to work?” A very interesting writer at Wired, Chris Hardwic recently delved into the Tim Ferriss philosophy and two other time management […]

Male Coded Christmas Shopping

There seem such a disconnect between the news and at least what I have experienced in my dips into world of malls and shopping of late. The last few years I have shopped online not so much because of my support of all that is digital, but perhaps an innate male fear of the giant […]

On God & Bigger Things

Because of the age we live, or perhaps from ease of mass information it seems the atheists have found their voice.  Guys like Richard Dawkins (author of God Delusion) are finding it easier to make their case in such a graceless age.  So both believers and atheist argue over belief that there is, or there […]

Insanity Defined

Have you heard the great line that the”definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting it to change?” Most of us will be doing, thinking and feeling more or less the same things this time next year as we are now. If you don’t want that sameness, grab yourself by […]

Snow in Malibu & Vegas!

Vegas Snow Malibu Snow This was shot going down Stunt Road toward Calabasas from Saddle Peak Road and Schueren Road. Snow falls in Malibu, California on Wednesday, December 17 2008. You can see the Malibu country club, down in the canyon in the distance.


Football to me has always been more than X’s and O’s. It is somewhat metaphorical to life. Some of the greatest Coaches have been been great leaders and somewhat philosophical wizards.  Anyone sport enthusiast cannot help but think of the Wizard of Westwood, John Wooden and his treasure trove of quips. Rockne, Paterno. These men […]